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Collaborative Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom (CoTIC)

The project is conducted by seven partner organisations from Bulgaria, Latvia, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Malta, and the Czech Republic. Its aim is to support pupils with special educational needs at the beginning of their school attendance in order to guarantee them equal opportunities in the education. The partnership created pedagogical assessment tools (group and individual screening tools) and support materials )more than 160 worksheets) to be used with your pupils, available to other stakeholders.

You can sign in to the e-learning course here. All the project outcomes are available through the course.
The course is at its pilot stage. If you come across any difficulties, please let us know - l.krejcova(at) We'll be happy when you join us!

Erasmus+ School Education - Short-term mobility projects

The project called "Orbis Pictus" was prepared for our fifth graders and their teachers. In the school years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, the oldest pupils of the elementary school will go for a study visit to a partner school. The aim of their stay will be to find inspiration for further development of our junior high-school grades. For the same reasons, several of our teachers will go job-shadowing visits at several European schools.

ZŠ Poznávání - šablony OP JAK, spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

Our school implements from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2025 a project called Elementary School Cognition - OP JAK templates, CZ.02.02.XX/00/22_002/0007315, which is financed by OP JAK. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of education through the activities of the school assistant, personal, social and professional development of educational staff and innovative education will be provided to pupils.

Ovoce a zelenina do škol

The aim of the Fruit and Vegetables for Schools project is to promote healthy eating and increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables. The project aims at primary school pupils, including primary school preparatory classes or preparatory classes of special primary schools.

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Supporting pupils

Implementation of the National Recovery Plan (investment 3.2.3). The investment responds to the need to support the education of pupils at risk of school failure in response to the impossibility of full-time education at schools due the covid-19 pandemic.

World School project

In the school year 2022-2023, we have joined the World School project. The goal of the program is to convey to children that many global issues can be solved locally. Through school-wide projects, children will learn to think about different aspects of life in today's world as well as responsible and sustainable lifestyles.


We are involved in the Local Action Plan which aims at supporting education in Prague 3. The target of the Plan is not only to strengthen cooperation between schools in our district, but to support and further develop the quality of education.

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Preventing the digital gap

Since 2022, the Ministry of Education has been providing funding for digital technologies to schools as part of the National Renewal Plan. Our school has been granted funding from the European Union, which Component 3.1 "Innovation in Education in the Context of Digitalization" funded by the National Renewal Plan (NPO). 

Parents welcome

We have been received the certificate Parents Welcome since 2021. This mark on our door indicates that our school meets required criteria, i.e. we are a school that openly communicates with parents and strives to build a welcoming and friendly partnership between parents, teachers and pupils.

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Four countries (Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic), four schools from each country - this is the AdAPPtive project - Using digital technologies to promote fluency in early reading. The main partner of the international Erasmus+ project is DYS-centrum Praha, z. ú. Our school is one of the participating schools, which together with other members of the Czech team is adapting the Karaton app and testing its effectiveness in working with pupils. The young readers are enthusiastic, although otherwise reading is a bit challenging for them. And we enjoy sharing our experiences and learning not only with colleagues from the Czech Republic but also from Europe. You can find out more about the project at